Boil Water Advisory In Effect!

Boil Water Advisory In Effect!

Due to maintenance and system limitations we are unable to meet WWA Standard C654. As a result we are issuing a precautionary boil water advisory until further notice.

To avoid possible illness, you must bring the water to a rolling boil for at least one minute before drinking it. Let the water cool down before using or drinking. Boiling the water will kill the harmful microorganisms in the water. Until further notice, use boiled water or an alternate source of safe drinking water (such as bottled water) for:

  • drinking
  • making ice cubes, juices or other mixes
  • preparing baby food or infant formula
  • preparing food, including washing fruits and vegetables
  • gargling or brushing teeth or dentures

 Hand Washing

  • Wash hands with bottled water, or boiled then cooled water.
  • If using non-boiled tap water, wash hands with liquid soap and dry thoroughly. Then rinse/sanitize using one of two solutions:
  • Alcohol-based hand disinfectant containing more than 70% alcohol

Thank you for your cooperation!

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